Science,迷信 14 JUL 2023, VOL 381, ISSUE 6654 《迷信》2023年7月14日 ,第381卷,出书6654期 物理学Physics Quantum metric nonlinear Hall effect in a topological ntiferromagnetic heterostructure 拓扑反铁磁异质妄想中的周论量子怀抱非线性霍尔效应 ▲ 作者 :ANYUAN GAO, YU-FEI LIU, JIAN-XIANG QIU, BARUN GHOSH, THA?S V. TREVISAN, YUGO ONISHI, ET AL. ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要: 凝聚态物理学中的量子多少多有两个组成部份:实部量子怀抱以及虚部贝里曲率 。尽管贝里曲率的文导影响已经由诸如二维电子气体中的量子霍尔效应以及铁磁体中的失常霍尔效应(AHE)等天气被审核到 ,但量子怀抱却很少被探究。迷信 钻研组报道了量子怀抱偶极子经由将平均层状的出书MnBi2Te4与黑磷界面衔接而诱惑的非线性霍尔效应 。量子怀抱非线性霍尔效应在反铁磁(AFM)自旋反转时切换倾向,周论并展现出与散射光阴无关的文导清晰标度。 该钻研服从为发现理论预料的迷信量子怀抱照应掀开了大门,并为衔接非线性电子学以及AFM自旋电子学的出书运用奠基了根基。 ▲ Abstract: Quantum geometry in condensed-matter physics has two components: the real part quantum metric and the imaginary part Berry curvature. Whereas the effects of Berry curvature have been observed through phenomena such as the quantum Hall effect in two-dimensional electron gases and the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) in ferromagnets,周论 the quantum metric has rarely been explored. Here, we report a nonlinear Hall effect induced by the quantum metric dipole by interfacing even-layered MnBi2Te4 with black phosphorus. The quantum metric nonlinear Hall effect switches direction upon reversing the antiferromagnetic (AFM) spins and exhibits distinct scaling that is independent of the scattering time. Our results open the door to discovering quantum metric responses predicted theoretically and pave the way for applications that bridge nonlinear electronics with AFM spintronics. Quantum vortices of strongly interacting photons 强相互熏染光子的量子漩涡 ▲ 作者:LEE DRORI, BANKIM CHANDRA DAS, TOMER DANINO ZOHAR, GAL WINER, EILON POEM, ALEXANDER PODDUBNY, ET AL. ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要: 涡旋是拓扑上的非重大缺陷,个别源于非线性场能源学 。文导光子涡旋(电磁场相位奇点)的迷信全光学发生需讨饶富强的非线性,这个别在典型光学规模中实现。出书 钻研组报道了在量子非线性光学介质中实现由强光子-光子相互熏染发生的周论光子量子漩涡 。这种相互熏染使共转达光子的相位积攒更快,在双光子波函数内发生量子涡旋-反涡旋对于。对于三个光子 ,涡线以及中间涡环的组成证明了真正的三光子相互熏染的存在。 波函数拓扑由双光子以及三光子约束态操作 ,施加每一个光子π的条件相移 ,这是判断性量子逻辑运算的潜在资源 。 ▲ Abstract: Vortices are topologically nontrivial defects that generally originate from nonlinear field dynamics. All-optical generation of photonic vortices—phase singularities of the electromagnetic field—requires sufficiently strong nonlinearity that is typically achieved in the classical optics regime. We report on the realization of quantum vortices of photons that result from a strong photon-photon interaction in a quantum nonlinear optical medium. The interaction causes faster phase accumulation for copropagating photons, producing a quantum vortex-antivortex pair within the two-photon wave function. For three photons, the formation of vortex lines and a central vortex ring confirms the existence of a genuine three-photon interaction. The wave function topology, governed by two- and three-photon bound states, imposes a conditional phase shift of π per photon, a potential resource for deterministic quantum logic operations. Correlating the charge-transfer gap to the maximum transition temperature in Bi2Sr2Can-1CunO2n+4+δ Bi2Sr2Can-1CunO2n+4+δ中电荷转移间隙与最大转变温度的相关性 ▲ 作者:ZECHAO WANG, CHANGWEI ZOU, CHENGTIAN LIN, XIANGYU LUO, HONGTAO YAN, CHAOHUI YIN, ET AL. ▲ 链接 : ▲ 摘要: 随着铜酸盐家族各晶胞中CuO2层数n的削减,最大转变温度(Tc,max)泛起出普遍的钟形曲线,在n=3处抵达峰值。这种趋向的宏不雅机制仍不清晰 。 在该钻研中 ,钻研组运用先进的电子显微镜对于1≤n≤9的Bi2Sr2Can-1CunO2n+4+δ家族铜酸盐原子妄想妨碍了成像;可同时丈量电荷转移间隙尺寸(Δ)随n的变更。并判断Δ的n依赖性凭证倒钟形曲线 ,在n=3时Δ值最小 。Δ、n以及Tc,max之间的相关性可能剖析铜酸盐中超导性的源头。 ▲ Abstract: As the number of CuO2layers, n, in each unit cell of a cuprate family increases, the maximum transition temperature (Tc,max) exhibits a universal bell-shaped curve with a peak at n = 3. The microscopic mechanism of this trend remains elusive. In this study, we used advanced electron microscopy to image the atomic structure of cuprates in the Bi2Sr2Can-1CunO2n+4+δfamily with 1 ≤ n ≤ 9; the evolution of the charge-transfer gap size (Δ) with n can be measured simultaneously. We determined that the n dependence of Δ follows an inverted bell-shaped curve with the minimum Δ value at n = 3. The correlation between Δ, n, and Tc,max may clarify the origin of superconductivity in cuprates. 家养智能Artificial Intelligence IExperimental evidence on the productivity effects of generative artificial intelligence 天生式家养智能抵破费率影响的试验证据 ▲ 作者 :SHAKKED NOY AND WHITNEY ZHANG. ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要: 钻研组品评辩说了一种天生式家养智能(AI)技术 ,即辅助谈天机械人ChatGPT在中级业余写作使命布景下的破费率效应 。 在一项预先注册的在线试验中,钻研组给453名受过大学教育的业余人士调配了特定职业的鼓舞性写作使命,并随机让其中一半人打仗ChatGPT。 该钻研服从表明 ,ChatGPT极大地后退了破费率:平均耗时削减了40% ,产出品质后退了18% 。劳动者之间的不同过错等削减了,而对于AI的耽忧以及欢喜临时回升。 在试验时期打仗ChatGPT的员工陈说称 ,试验两周后在实际使掷中运用ChatGPT的可能性是原本的两倍 ,试验两个月后为1.6倍。 ▲ Abstract: We examined the productivity effects of a generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology, the assistive chatbot ChatGPT, in the context of midlevel professional writing tasks. In a preregistered online experiment, we assigned occupation-specific, incentivized writing tasks to 453 college-educated professionals and randomly exposed half of them to ChatGPT. Our results show that ChatGPT substantially raised productivity: The average time taken decreased by 40% and output quality rose by 18%. Inequality between workers decreased, and concern and excitement about AI temporarily rose. Workers exposed to ChatGPT during the experiment were 2 times as likely to report using it in their real job 2 weeks after the experiment and 1.6 times as likely 2 months after the experiment. 质料迷信Materials Science Engineering ligand reactivity enables high-temperature operation of stable perovskite solar cells 工程配体反映性实现晃动钙钛矿太阳能电池的高温运行 ▲ 作者:SO MIN PARK, MINGYANG WEI, JIAN XU, HARINDI R. ATAPATTU, FELIX T. EICKEMEYER, KASRA DARABI, ET AL. ▲ 链接: ▲ 摘要: 钙钛矿太阳能电池(PSCs)由搜罗铵配体插层的界面二维以及三维异质妄想组成 ,已经朝着将功能与晃动性相散漫的目的取患了快捷妨碍。可是,随着该规模不断谋求更高的持久性,需要格外工具来防止配体嵌入,以最大限度地削减高温下的降解 。 钻研组运用与大部份钙钛矿不反映的铵配体,并零星地钻研了一个修正配体份子妄想的库。他们发现氟化苯胺提供界面钝化,同时最小化与钙钛矿的反映性,运用这种措施取患了颠倒妄想PSCs的认证准稳态功率转换功能为24.09%。 在85℃以及50%相对于湿度下使命的封装置置装备部署中,钻研组记实了在1倍太阳光照、最大功率点的T85高达1560小时。 ▲ Abstract: Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) consisting of interfacial two- and three-dimensional heterostructures that incorporate a妹妹onium ligand intercalation have enabled rapid progress toward the goal of uniting performance with stability. However, as the field continues to seek ever-higher durability, additional tools that avoid progressive ligand intercalation are needed to minimize degradation at high temperatures. We used a妹妹onium ligands that are nonreactive with the bulk of perovskites and investigated a library that varies ligand molecular structure systematically. We found that fluorinated aniliniums offer interfacial passivation and simultaneously minimize reactivity with perovskites. Using this approach, we report a certified quasi–steady-state power-conversion efficiency of 24.09% for inverted-structure PSCs. In an encapsulated device operating at 85°C and 50% relative humidity, we document a 1560-hour T85 at maximum power point under 1-sun illumination. Multiplex CRISPR editing of wood for sustainable fiber production 多重CRISPR编纂的木料用于可不断纤维破费 ▲ 作者 :DANIEL B. SULIS, XIAO JIANG, CHENMIN YANG, BARBARA M. MARQUES, MEGAN L. MATTHEWS, ZACHARY MILLER, ET AL. ▲ 链接 : ▲ 摘要: 临时以来 ,由于木质素的重大性以及可塑性 ,木料中的生物聚合物木质素难以被化学以及酶降解,拦阻了对于森林树木妨碍更可不断的纤维生物经济驯化。 钻研组揭示了多重CRISPR编纂可能精确妄想木料质料,以组合改善木质素成份以及木料功能。经由评估21个木质素生物分解基因的69123种多基因编纂策略的每一种可能组合,钻研组推导出针对于多达6个基因同时修正的7种差距的基因组编纂策略,并发生174种编纂过的杨树变异体 。 CRISPR编纂将木料碳水化合物与木质素的比例后退到家养型的228%,从而后退了纤维制浆的功能 。不论树木妨碍速率若何变更,经由编纂的木料都缓解了主要的纤维破费瓶颈,并有望带来亘古未有的经营功能、生物经济机缘以及情景效益。 ▲ Abstract: The domestication of forest trees for a more sustainable fiber bioeconomy has long been hindered by the complexity and plasticity of lignin, a biopolymer in wood that is recalcitrant to chemical and enzymatic degradation. Here, we show that multiplex CRISPR editing enables precise woody feedstock design for combinatorial improvement of lignin composition and wood properties. By assessing every possible combination of 69,123 multigenic editing strategies for 21 lignin biosynthesis genes, we deduced seven different genome editing strategies targeting the concurrent alteration of up to six genes and produced 174 edited poplar variants. CRISPR editing increased the wood carbohydrate-to-lignin ratio up to 228% that of wild type, leading to more-efficient fiber pulping. The edited wood alleviates a major fiber-production bottleneck regardless of changes in tree growth rate and could bring unprecedented operational efficiencies, bioeconomic opportunities, and environmental benefits. |